Pastor Tunji Daniels

An Appeal to Charismatic Friends: A Call for Unity and Understanding

In recent years, the topic of charismatic Christianity has sparked both curiosity and controversy within the larger body of believers. As we gather here today, it is important to acknowledge the diversity of perspectives and experiences represented in this room. We come from different backgrounds, traditions, and theological understandings, yet we share a common bond in our love for Christ and our desire to serve Him faithfully.

I want to begin by expressing my gratitude to all those who have contributed to this conference. The organizers, ministers, speakers, preachers, teachers, and interviewers have worked diligently to cover the ground we desired to address. Their commitment to ministry and the extensive preparation they undertook for this event deserve our heartfelt appreciation. We recognize that what we see on the surface is only a fraction of the effort and sacrifice that went into making this conference a reality.

Understanding the Tip of the Iceberg:

Preaching is often likened to the tip of an iceberg, visible and impactful, but resting on a foundation that remains unseen. Similarly, the work of those who minister goes beyond what we witness during a conference. It involves countless hours of study, prayer, and personal sacrifice. Let us not forget the weight that these men carry, as they navigate the challenges of ministry while also investing their time and energy into events like this conference.

The Power of Unity:

Unity within the body of Christ is not a mere suggestion; it is a biblical mandate. In 1 Corinthians 1:10, the Apostle Paul exhorts the Corinthian church to be united in mind and judgment. This call for unity extends to us today, regardless of our theological leanings or personal preferences. We must remember that our shared mission is to make disciples of all nations and to bring glory to God through our lives.

Recognizing Our Differences:

While unity is crucial, it does not mean we must abandon our theological convictions or ignore our differences. It is essential to engage in respectful dialogue and seek understanding, even when our perspectives diverge. As charismatic believers, we have been blessed with a unique experience of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. However, we must be careful not to elevate our experiences above the authority of Scripture or dismiss the perspectives of our non-charismatic brothers and sisters.

Embracing Humility and Grace:

Humility and grace should be our guiding principles as we navigate these conversations. We must acknowledge that none of us possesses a complete understanding of God’s ways. Our theological frameworks are limited, and our interpretations of Scripture are influenced by our cultural backgrounds and personal biases. Therefore, it is crucial to approach these discussions with an attitude of humility, recognizing that we are all on a journey of discovery and growth.

Building Bridges, Not Walls:

Rather than allowing our differences to divide us, let us commit to building bridges of understanding and empathy. We can learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives, gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the richness of God’s work in the world. By engaging in open and respectful dialogue, we can find common ground and celebrate our shared faith in Christ.


As we conclude this conference, let us carry the spirit of unity, humility, and grace into our daily lives and interactions. May we be known not only for our theological convictions but also for our love for one another. Let us embrace our charismatic friends with open arms, seeking to understand and appreciate the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Together, let us strive to fulfill Christ’s prayer for unity, so that the world may know that we are His disciples (John 17:21).

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